Luxury class in the face

Emotional. Luxus ist eine irrationale Form des Konsums und ist meist durch hoch emotionales Verhalten geprägt. Galten Glitzer und Bling Bling früher als Merkmale von jeglicher Art des Luxus, findet man heutzutage Begriffe wie Individualität und Nachhaltigkeit im Zusammenhang. In den letzten Jahren ergab sich eine komplett neue Definition und Denkweise im Kontext Luxus, welcher vor allem auch nicht materielle Seiten beinhaltet. Luxus braucht man nicht, Luxus muss man wollen.


Zu den teuersten Brillen der Welt gehört die Sonnenbrillen Cartier Paris 18K Gold die bestückt ist mit funkelnden Diamanten und mit einem Goldrahmen gefertigt wurde. Aktuell ist der Wert der Brille auf circa 22.000.- Euro festgelegt. Entspricht dieses Schmuckstück nun tatsächlich den Luxusmerkmalen der heutigen Zeit? Immer mehr rücken Merkmale wie Qualität, Individualität, Nachhaltigkeit oder exklusive Leistungen in den Fokus und gelten als wahrer Luxus der aktuellen Zeit.

Luxus von heute

Im Einklang mit der Natur zu sein, bedeutet sie zu schätzen und eine bewusste Zeit zu erleben. Doch viele Brillenträger gehen hier noch einen Schritt weiter und greifen bewusst auch bei den Brillen zu Produkten aus Naturmaterialien. Holzbrillen sind in unserer Branche bereits nicht mehr wegzudenken und mit der Leidenschaft zu natürlichen Materialien und einem hohem Qualitätsanspruch glänzen die Rolf Spectacles aus Tirol in der Luxuskategorie Natur. Maßgefertigt und individuell für große und kleine Köpfe, dicke oder dünne Nasen. Brillenträger sind oftmals bereit ein paar Euro mehr auszugeben, wenn dafür der perfekte Sitz und absoluter Tragekomfort garantiert werden kann. Luxus von heute ist Individualität, ohne wenn und aber. Das heutige 3D Druckverfahren bei Brillen bietet diesen Luxus und Hersteller wie You Mawo können mit ihrer Expertise dabei punkten. Luxussache.

Die neue Haltung zu Plastik hat bereits auch Einzug in der Brillenbranche gefunden und Labels wie sea2see eröffnen ganz neue Perspektiven. Ganz nach dem Motto: von 100% Marina Abfall zu 100% handgefertigt in Italien, fischen täglich Seemänner 1 Tonne Müll aus dem Ozean um den Müll im Anschluss zu sortieren und in Brillen und Sonnenbrillen zu verarbeiten. Nachhaltige Luxusklasse. Viele weitere Arten von Luxus definieren sich in unserer Zeit, bei denen Geschichten und Erfahrungen an Bedeutung gewinnen. Glitzer, Glanz und Glamour rücken immer weiter in den Hintergrund. Schaut und hört beim nächsten Brillenkauf noch genauer hin, denn vielleicht erzählt eine Brille eine Geschichte, die für euch purer Luxus bedeutet.


Emotionally. Luxury is an irrational form of consumption and is usually characterized by highly emotional behavior. While glitter and bling bling were once traits of all sorts of luxury, nowadays terms such as individuality and sustainability are related. In recent years, there has been a completely new definition and mindset in the context of luxury, which above all, does not include material aspects. You do not need luxury, you have to want luxury.


One of the most expensive glasses in the world are the sunglasses Cartier Paris 18K Gold which is equipped with sparkling diamonds and was crafted with a gold frame. Currently, the value of the glasses is set at around 22,000 Euro. Does this piece of jewelery actually correspond to the luxury features of today? Characteristics such as quality, individuality, sustainability or exclusive services are increasingly becoming the focus of attention and are regarded as the true luxury of the current era.

Luxury of today

Being in harmony with nature means appreciating it and experiencing a conscious time. But many glasses wearers go one step further here and deliberately make use of natural materials for their eyewear. Wooden glasses are an indispensable part of our industry and with their passion for natural materials and high quality standards, the Rolf Spectacles from Tyrol shine in the luxury category of nature. Custom made and individual for big and small heads, thick or thin noses. Wearers of glasses are often willing to spend a few more money, if the perfect fit and absolute comfort can be guaranteed. Luxury of today is individuality, without ifs and buts. Today’s 3D printing process for eyewear offers this luxury and manufacturers like You Mawo can win with their expertise. Luxury thing.

The new attitude to plastic has already found its way into the eyewear industry and labels like sea2see open up completely new perspectives. True to the motto: from 100% Marina waste 100% handmade in Italy, sailors daily fish 1 ton of garbage from the ocean to sort the garbage afterwards and to process it in glasses and sunglasses. Sustainable luxury class. Many other types of luxury define themselves in our time, where stories and experiences gain in importance. Glitter and glamor keep fading into the background. Look and listen to the next purchase of glasses even closer because maybe a pair of glasses tells a story that means pure luxury for you.

Column for DOZ
Photos: Marina Schedler Photography
You see: Silhouette eyewear
Location: Montfort Haus, Feldkirch

neubau eyewear meets business entrepreneur & all round creative Jennifer Bitsche of Hingucker & Faceprint

We discuss how she built her blogging and greater eyewear empire with sustainability and style.

It takes a cer­tain degree of dri­ve, pas­sion and above all self-con­fi­dence to even imag­ine the lev­el of suc­cess which Aus­tri­an cre­ative and busi­ness queen Jen­nifer Bitsche has achieved. She’s the founder of Faceprint, a dis­tinc­tive eye­wear blog ded­i­cat­ed to explor­ing the increas­ing­ly diverse range of eye­wear prod­ucts and optom­i­cal inno­va­tions, and togeth­er with her hus­band she runs one of the most dar­ing­ly cool and aes­thet­i­cal­ly inno­v­a­tive eye­wear con­cept stores in Aus­tria: Hin­guck­er. With the inten­tion to pro­vide an hon­est and insight­ful per­spec­tive, Jen­nifer has been able to craft a busi­ness mod­el that offers its cus­tomers the chance to learn specifics about a prod­uct; where it comes from, how its designed and how it can be improved. 

In an age where mar­ket­ing aims to curate a false truth for the sake of income, this hon­est con­cept seems to be some­thing hard to come by. Above all, Jen­nifer has pro­vid­ed a rare thing, a brand and busi­ness built with the desire to inform and inspire. We got the chance to speak with this cre­ative vision­ary behind the artistry, pro­vid­ing cus­tomers with a unique per­spec­tive on the inno­va­tion and extra­or­di­nary designs found in the wide range of eyewear.

You clear­ly have a spe­cial pas­sion for eye­wear and prod­uct design, what is it that you find so fas­ci­nat­ing about eyewear?

If you look some­body in the face, glass­es are the first thing you will rec­og­nize. With every style and col­or, the wear­er stets an indi­vid­ual state­ment. So I look at a face and always ask myself, what’s the sto­ry behind this face?

Your hus­band is an optometrist and has col­lab­o­rat­ed with you on the devel­op­ment of your con­cept store, Hin­guck­er, and it seems that each of you holds a spe­cif­ic skill set and dif­fer­ent kind of inter­est in eye­sight. How does your rela­tion­ship inspire your brand and its growth?

As you already said, my hus­band is the optometrist and has a deep pro­fes­sion­al knowl­edge. I stud­ied mar­ket­ing and was always focused on recog­nis­ing and search­ing for trends. Per­son­al­ly, I do not chase every sin­gle trend, I want to have a deep­er knowl­edge of it and always have a proof of qual­i­ty and design. Always stay­ing true is one of the most impor­tant things. Also, our range in Hin­guck­er is not per­suad­ed by trends that come and go. We stick to qual­i­ty pieces that we know will last the test of time. 

How do you, as a cou­ple, bal­ance work­ing togeth­er in a pro­fes­sion­al & prac­ti­cal busi­ness part­ner­ship with your roman­tic relationship?

We have clear­ly set our respon­si­bil­i­ties, but that was also easy because of our edu­ca­tion. Hon­est­ly, we real­ly talk a lot about our busi­ness, our goals and our vision, but we do try to talk less about our com­pa­ny, as we don’t real­ly sep­a­rate busi­ness from free time. Basi­cal­ly, both our rela­tion­ship and our busi­ness rep­re­sent our future and so we have tried to make the best out of everything. 

How can design­ers, store own­ers and advo­cates like your­self main­tain the bal­ance between the increas­ing demand for fash­ion­able prod­ucts with the need to cre­ate and sell sus­tain­ably?

Some­times you have to think trans­verse­ly and make a step out of the box. Have a goal, have a focus and stay on your path. Then you will find the per­fect prod­ucts con­cern­ing sus­tain­abil­i­ty, design or qual­i­ty for you and your cus­tomers. Nowa­days sus­tain­abil­i­ty is not just nice, these days it’s indis­pens­able. Nat­u­ral­ly, you can’t change every­thing in your busi­ness in one day, but if you focus on goals and make it step by step, you’re on the right way.

Both Faceprint and Hin­guck­er have emerged from their hum­ble begin­nings as suc­cess sto­ries and their reach is only ever-expand­ing! How did you find the tran­si­tion from blog­ger to busi­ness own­er and where do you see your busi­ness mov­ing from here?

It’s not real­ly a tran­si­tion, because both of them are my busi­ness and my pas­sion. Faceprint is my cre­ative path and visu­al space to bring you clos­er to the eye­wear indus­try. Hin­guck­er is my phys­i­cal path to show in a more tan­gi­ble space that eye­wear is not just a nice acces­so­ry but also a strong state­ment and neces­si­ty. But Hin­guck­er is more than just eye­wear, Hin­guck­er is more like a liv­ing room, where you can find prod­ucts for your­self, like inte­ri­or items, books, care prod­ucts, Gin & Whiskey, jew­ellery and so on. All of them are spe­cif­ic pieces, with good qual­i­ty, awe­some design and of course, with a sto­ry behind them.

Do you remem­ber your first pair of glass­es? How has your style and rela­tion­ship to your glass­es changed?

Oh yes, I do. And it was hor­ri­ble. I real­ly hat­ed to wear my speck­led blue glass­es and the teacher at my school always forced me to wear the glass­es oth­er­wise I had to sit in the front row. Time and style have since been chang­ing and I’ve been con­stant­ly look­ing for more accept­able and awe-inspir­ing glass­es. The more I was get­ting to know this branch, dif­fer­ent labels and the pos­si­bil­i­ties, the more I was get­ting pas­sion­ate about it. I real­ly like to see fan­cy and colour­ful glass­es on oth­ers, but I am more the type who suits or prefers the min­i­mal­ist, laid back style. I always want to feel com­fort­able in the clothes and glass­es I wear, with effort­less ease and true style. 

Interview: by neubau eyewear
Photos: Marina Schedler Photography
You see: neubau eyewear
Location: Schlosshofen, Hörbranz, Austria 

Italian flair mit Liu Jo

Mit Vintage Sunglasses at the lake habe ich meinen Auftakt für die Liu Jo Serie auf meinem Blog gestartet. Ein Shooting bei der Bregenzer Seebühne, die auch heuer wieder atemberaubend im Wasser glänzt. Liu Jo ist einen italienische Marke, die unverwechselbar in ihrem Stil ist. Dieser Stil ist auch bei den Brillen und Sonnenbrillen erkennbar. Kreativität, Eleganz und Extravaganz beschreiben die aktuelle Kollektion. Ein Augenschmaus bei der Kollektionsschau. Neben wunderschönen Sonnenbrillen mit Vintage touch, befinden sich auch Sonnenbrillen im Cat Eye Stil oder octoganale Fassungen in der Kollektion. Aber nicht nur bei den Sonnenbrillen glänzen die Brillen mit italienischen Attributen.

Italienische Mode, stilbildend und einzigartig

Der italienische Stil ist im internationalen Vergleich mit anderen Modestilen unverkennbar. Das liegt nicht nur an den Designern, die die Kleidungsstücke entwerfen, sondern vor allem an den Träger/-innen. Sie geben der italienischen Mode den unverkennbaren, markanten Charakter.

Heute präsentiere ich euch auf meinem Brillenblog FACEPRINT eine klassische und dezente Brille von Liu Jo. Die runde Metallbrille überzeugt, nicht nur wegen ihrer Schlichtheit, sondern auch wegen ihrer Größe, mit der die Brille zu einem echten Blickfang wird. Die Liu Jo Eyewear Kollektion spiegelt die natürliche Weiblichkeit und Schönheit der heutigen Frau wider. Ohne aufgesetzt zu wirken und ohne Kitsch. Es stehen tatsächlich viel mehr raffinierte Verzierungen im Vordergrund und charmante Details die den Fassungen einen feminine Note verleihen. Bald werdet ihr davon noch mehr auf meinem Instagram Feed sehen. Seid gespannt. 

Wir hätten keine passendere Location für dieses Shooting wählen können, als das Montforthaus in Feldkirch. Das neugebaute Kultur- und Kongresszentrum ist hochmodern, stilvoll und elegant. Genau wie die Brillen von Liu Jo ist die Location unaufdringlich und wirkt beim Betrachten für sich. Ein wenig „dolce vita“ und die Träumerei für Italien waren dennoch zu Spüren. Denn in Gedanken war ich schon bei meinem nächsten Italien Urlaub …

Italian flair with Liu Jo

With Vintage Sunglasses at the lake I started my prelude to the Liu Jo series on my blog. A shoot at the Bregenz Lakeside Theatre, which again shines breathtakingly in the water this year. Liu Jo is an Italian brand that is distinctive in its style. This style is also recognizable in their glasses and sunglasses. Creativity, elegance and extravagance are words which describes the current collection. A feast for the eyes at the collection show. In addition to beautiful sunglasses with vintage touch, there are also sunglasses in Cat Eye style or octogonal versions in the collection. But not only the sunglasses shine with Italian attributes, also their frames.

Italian fashion, style-forming and unique

The Italian style is unmistakable in international comparison with other fashion styles. This is not only due to the designers who design the fashion, but especially to the wearers. They give the Italian fashion the unmistakable, distinctive character. Today I present to you on my eyewear blog FACEPRINT a classic and discreet glasses of Liu Jo. The round metal glasses are convincing, not only because of their simplicity, but also because of their size, which makes the glasses a real eye-catcher. The Liu Jo eyewear collection reflects the natural femininity and beauty of today’s woman. Without seeming false and without kitsch. In fact, there are many more refined ornaments in the foreground and charming details that give the versions a feminine touch. Soon you will see more of this on my Instagram feed. Be curious.

We could not have chosen a more suitable location for this shoot than the Montforthaus in Feldkirch. The newly built Culture and Congress Center is state of the art, stylish and elegant. Just like the glasses of Liu Jo, the location is unobtrusive and looks attractive when viewed. A little „dolce vita“ and the reverie for Italy were still felt. Because in my mind I was already on my next Italy vacation …

Photos: Marina Schedler Photography
You see: Liu Jo Eyewear
Location: Montforthaus Feldkirch

liu jo eyewear x faceprint
liu jo eyewear x faceprint
liu jo eyewear x faceprint
liu jo eyewear x faceprint
liu jo eyewear x faceprint

Naoned – A pinch of color!

I a wearing the ILLUR 28B by French eyewear maker Naoned. We love how the combination of the tortoise acetate and blue metal make the frame look much smaller then it really is, but still maintains its unique bold design. Its round shape cut out on the top perfectly adapts to faces and offers originality and renewal.

The color as DNA

The designers at Naoned have fun mixing colors in a thoughtful way to make our frames some singular and elegant objects. This unisex frame is created with a contemporary vision repeating the iconic design of the Naoned mixed frames. A pinch of color illuminates this vintage shape.

The Naoned Eyewear’s collection is imagined and drawn with the idea to be a technical, esthetical and original frame. Naoned’s (Nantes in Breton) founder “Jean-Philippe Douis” knew the creative path he wanted to take. Being a passionate eyewear designer, he chose to dream about his frame designs before actually drawing and handcrafting them on the soil of Nantes, his land of inspiration. And he secretly added a little but of his own JP personality in each of his models.

Offering a refined collection, the Breton house is proud to anchor its achievements in an identity aesthetic but timeless. Rich in the human closeness she has with the followers of authentic objects, Naoned shapes her glasses with love. An added value that makes all the salt of this brand that will seduce the most demanding.

Eyewear: MILLUR28B by Naoned
Photographer: Marina Schedler Photography
Blogpost published also on

Naoned x faceprint
naoned x faceprint
naoned x faceprint

Johann von Goisern – Dare to wear colour

I am wearing a special laminated frame by Johann von Goisern. This classic, round shape combined with warm, subtle colours creates a well-rounded frame suited for everyone who likes to keep it simple, but still wants to enjoy the benefits of an original Johann von Goisern frame. The special lamination sets eye-catching highlights and completes this frame with unique design, developed and manufactured with strict quality standards in Bad Goisern, Austria.

From design to shipping – everything happens at their location in Bad Goisern. They draw inspiration from the surrounding nature and wildlife and love our products. This results in breathtaking designs and colour-combinations. Diligence and precision lead every frame from material cutting to finishing. The quality and authenticity of every frame is guaranteed by the certificate-number, which is part of every Johann von Goisern case.

Every craft shop needs machines, and as a company founded by a mechanical builder, they are always open for new technologies. Innovation allows them to realise ideas which would otherwise be impossible – they won’t let insufficient tools limit our creativity. Although there have been many innovations and changes over the years, one aspect about JvG always stayed the same: “Johann von Goisern” still stands for highest quality and exceptional design, manufactured in Bad Goisern.

To this day, the brand and its products live and breathe the creativity and ideas of its inventor Johann Pomberger. The company is still firmly grounded on the values of its founder Johann: Relocating or even moving to another country is completely out of question.

Eyewear: Mod 692 in colour N29 by Johann von Goisern
Photographer: Marina Schedler Photography
Blogpost published also on

faceprint x Johann von Goisern x Brille
faceprint x Johann von Goisern x Brille
faceprint x Johann von Goisern x Brille
faceprint x Johann von Goisern x Brille
faceprint x Johann von Goisern x Brille

Step by step

Jung. Innovativ. Individuell. Tauchen wir ein in die Welt von You Mawo, das soviel bedeutet wie „Your Magical World“. Jeder Ort, jeder Platz, jedes Tier und jede Person ist individuell, wieso sind es dann unsere Brillen nicht? Diese Frage haben sich die Gründer vor Jahren in Thailand gestellt. Sechs Jahre später ist You Mawo bereits eine der bekanntesten Brillenmarken im Bereich von maßgefertigten 3D Druck Brillen basierend auf einem Scan made in Germany. Aber was bedeutet nun individuell oder maßgefertigt bei den Brillen? 

Am Anfang erfolgt die Auswahl der Brillenmodelle, die aus den Kollektionen Classic, Air und Sun gewählt werden können. Nach dem Probieren der verschiedenen Brillenmodelle, habe ich mich für das Modell You Mawo – Bomi Air (Bild 2) entschieden.

Young. Innovative. Individually. Step into the world of You Mawo, which means „Your Magical World“. Every place, every space, every animal and every person is individual, why aren’t our glasses individual? This question was asked by the founders in Thailand years ago. Six years later, You Mawo is already one of the most well-known eyewear brands in the field of custom-made 3D printing glasses based on a scan made in Germany. But what’s the meaning of individually or custom-made in terms of eyewear?

Step by step ….

In the beginning you will have a selection of eyewear models. You can choose from the collections Classic, Air and Sun. After trying out the different eyewear models, I opted for the model You Mawo – Bomi Air (picture 2).

Hat man seinen Favoriten gefunden, wird das Gesicht des Brillenträgers genauestens gescannt und alle Daten im System gespeichert. Im Anschluss wird die bevorzugte Farbe für die Brille gewählt. Für mich wollte ich die Bomi Air in schwarz und auch die Stegbreite sollte verändert werden. Danach folgt der Schritt der Fertigung der individuellen You Mawo Brille, die mit dem 3D Druck Verfahren, einer der fortschrittlichsten Technologien produziert wird.

//If you have found your favorite, your face will be scanned accurately and all data stored in the system. Afterwards you can choose the preferred color for your glasses. I wanted the Bomi Air in the color black and also the bridge width should be changed slightly. Afterwards the process of making the individual You Mawo glasses take place, which is produced by using the 3D printing process, one of the most advanced technologies.

Nach der Produktion erfolgt der Versand an ausschließlich ausgewählte Optiker, wie zum Beispiel Bitsche Augenoptik & Hörakustik in Bludenz, Österreich. Die Lieferzeit der Brille beträgt ca. 15 Arbeitstage. Aber soviel kann ich schon verraten: Die Wartezeit lohnt sich! 

//After production, the shipment will be made exclusively to selected opticians, such as Bitsche Augenoptik & Hörakustik in Bludenz, Austria. The delivery time of the glasses is about 15 working days. But I already can tell you: the wait is worthwhile!

Das große Plus zusätzlich zur Individualität der Brille ist, dass jeder Kunde eine Zufriedenheitsgarantie auf die Passgenauigkeit seiner maßgefertigten Brille erhält. Mit Begeisterung habe ich meine individuelle Brille probiert und über das kleine Add-on, meine persönliche Gravur „FACEPRINT“, habe ich mich besonders gefreut. 

//The big plus in addition to the individuality of the glasses is that every customer gets a satisfaction guarantee on the fit accuracy of his customized glasses. With enthusiasm I tried my individual frame and I was especially happy about the little add-on, my personal engraving „FACEPRINT“.

Im besten Fall wurde im Vorhinein auch schon die Refraktion (Sehstärkenmessung) und die Glasberatung vom Optiker durchgeführt. Somit kann garantiert werden, dass die Gläser in der Werkstatt bereits in die Brille eingeschliffen wurden und der Kunde die Brille komplett fertig mitnehmen kann.

//In the best case, the refraction (vision measurement) and the glass advice were already carried out in advance by the optician. Thus, it can be guaranteed that the glasses were already ground in the frame at the workshop and the customer can take home the finished glasses.

Es ist spannend zu sehen, welche Möglichkeiten und Veränderungen bei einer individuellen Brille angeboten werden können. Aus diesem Grund empfehle ich euch auch mal selbst in die „magical world“ einzutauchen. Überlegt euch eure Präferenzen für eine Brille und sucht einen You Mawo Optiker um die perfekte Brille fertigen zu lassen. Falls ihr noch mehr über die einzelnen und auch technischen Schritte erfahren möchtet, klickt einfach hier

Ich trage meine maßgefertigte You Mawo Brille nun schon seit einiger Zeit und kann bestätigen, dass der Tragekomfort und die Leichtigkeit der Brille unschlagbar sind. Aufsetzen, Wohlfühlen und Komplimente einfangen. Diese Situation erlebe ich derzeit ständig mit dieser Brille und das macht natürlich richtig Spaß.

//It is exciting to see which possibilities and changes can be offered with individual glasses. For this reason, I also recommend you to immerse yourself in the „magical world“. Think about your eyewear preferences and look for a You Mawo optician to make the perfect glasses for you. If you want to learn more about the individual and technical steps, just click here.

I am wearing my individual You Mawo frame since a while now and can confirm that the comfort and lightness of the glasses are unbeatable. Put on, feel good and catch compliments. At the moment I am constantly experiencing this situation with these glasses and that is of course a good experience.

Ich möchte an dieser Stelle noch ein wichtiges Programm von You Mawo hervorheben. YOUMAWO CARES ist eine Initiative von You Mawo, bei denen sie Familien helfen, in welchen das Down-Syndrom oder Autismus auftreten und deswegen keine passenden Brillen finden können. In diesen Fällen reduziert You Mawo den Verkaufspreis der Brille auf 1 EUR (aus rechtlichen Gründen, können die Brillen nicht komplett verschenkt werden). Eine wirklich tolle Sache! Also gerne weitererzählen… 

//I would like to highlight an important program by You Mawo at this point. YOUMAWO CARES is an initiative of You Mawo that helps families who have Down syndrome or autism and can not find suitable eyewear. In these cases, You Mawo reduces the retail price of the glasses to 1 EUR (for legal reasons, the glasses can not be completely given away for free). A really great thing! So tell others …

Blogpost first published on / eyewear blog in cooperation with You Mawo

Photos: Marina Schedler Photography
Eyewear: You Mawo, Bomi Air
Location: Bitsche Augenoptik & Hörakustik, Bludenz, Austria 

Blackfin – Cape May

I am wearing a slightly elongated yet sinuously shaped frame by BLACKFIN, which comes in a sophisticated array of colors. The brand’s techno-glamour concept is exemplified in this vintage-inspired frame, where the bas-relief workmanship is accentuated by the contrasting color palette.

Three gradations of color – from powder pink, to lilac, to fuchsia – silhouette the cat-eye contour, in a celebration of artisan craftsmanship taken to a whole new level when applied to a highly innovative production technique. Reminiscent of its retro shape, the model name “Cape May:  is a tribute to the early post-war bourgeois elegance embodied in the understated charm of American ladies vacationing along the New Jersey shoreline.

The Spring 2019 collection displays the total Blackfin aesthetic vision in which the sophisticated mood of the new communications campaign and the new stand for Mido are faithfully reflected in its design.

Such stylistic maturity is intended to mark an essential stage, rather than the finishing point, in the identity- building journey undertaken by the brand, in other words a milestone in its history. Titanium, always the distinctive feature of Blackfin eyewear, remains the element to be moulded and the page on which a new chapter in this authentic Italian story is written. New frames expressing the essence of Blackfin, free from the stereotypes of fashion and passing trends.

This natural consciousness translates into a collection with well-defined lines and original colour effects, a combination of hi-tech know-how and glamour, capable of celebrating every aspect of a piece of eyewear, the signature of this company’s sense of elegance and flair for innovation.

About Blackfin

There are those who follow the paths traced by others and those who break new ground. BLACKFIN design embodies the style of those who are always on the forefront, giving them a contemporary and cutting-edge image. BLACKFIN is driven by an innate desire to always look ahead and a deep awareness of their skills. This is why their products are the direct reflection of their abilities: the ability to perform a truly unique work and the attention to every single construction detail. Titanium and every single characteristic of it that’s what they know perfectly well; that’s their material; and that is why they are able to form it like no one else and why they succeed in combining it with a truly advanced design.

Photos: Marina Schedler Photography
Blogpost first published on: The Eyewear Forum

blackfin eyewear x faceprint
blackfin eyewear x faceprint
blackfin eyewear x faceprint
blackfin eyewear x faceprint

Düsseldorf Eyewear – A fusion of vintage & modern

I am wearing model “South Park”, a hot, urban yet fashionable frame by Düsseldorf Eyewear. The combination of round glasses, modern stainless steel frame and stylish double bridge on this cool metal frame, promises a fusion of vintage and modern, which makes the design of the “Dusseldorf – Südpark” absolutely timeless.

Inspired by the Düsseldorf lifestyle, the local architecture and the latest trends in the city, each of the models understands in a versatile way how to tease out and underline the individual character of their wearer. For this, we like to go through the various parts of the city and pick up distinctive features in our versions, which gives each model its very special connection between the urban trends and its Düsseldorf namesake. 

Patrionism, experimentation and trend awareness are what make a Düsseldorf Eyewearglasses a very special accessory. Eyewear not only as a visual aid, but as an expression of the character, discover as a way of life – That is what Düsseldorf Eyewear is all about.Being based in and inspired by the German city Düsseldorf, all their frame models are named after a district of this beautiful old city. In this case, Südpark (South Park).

The diversity of their city Düsseldorf was processed in their designs, to match your appearance perfectly with their fashionable, character-strong designs and high end materials, giving you the freedom to be yourself. Inspired by the daily life, their designers move through the city, breathing in the soul of the Rhine river and terraces.

During the Night Life in  Old-town or just to the bar around the corner, they see hip old buildings, cobbled streets in between, an old warehouse with brick and rusty steel girders behind. A few hundred meters away are new, modern buildings made of glass, steel and smooth concrete. These different characters and experience and all their cool facets are embedded in the core of the brands design. Like to know more, check out their website at

Photos: Marina Schedler Photography
Eyewear: Düsseldorf Eyewear

Blogpost first published on: The Eyewear Forum

Düsseldorf Eyewear x faceprint
Düsseldorf Eyewear x faceprint

Vue dc – YAM: Sensitive, feminine and elegant!

Das Modell YAM von Vue dc ist eine feminine und elegante Fassung mit natürlichem Charme. Eine wundervolle, subtile Abschrägung im oberen Bereich unterstreicht die großzügigen Kurven. Diese wunderschöne Fassung wurde in Frankreich handgefertigt und zeigt eine großartige Mischung aus Eleganz und Design, die Sie außerhalb von Oyonnax nur selten finden.

I am wearing YAM by Vue dc, a sensitive, feminine and elegant frame with a natural charm. A wonderful subtle bevel on the upper part highlights its generous curves. Handmade in France, this beautiful frame shows a great mixture of elegance and design, which you rarely find outside Oyonnax.

Photos: Marina Schedler Photography
Eyewear: vue dc, YAM

faceprint x vue dc x eyewear
faceprint x vue dc x eyewear
faceprint x vue dc x eyewear
faceprint x vue dc x eyewear
faceprint x vue dc x eyewear